世界のタグ名画 世界の名画にタグをつけて遊ぶ
レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ ( 15世紀 16世紀 盛期ルネサンス イタリア ) の作品


Detail of the The Last Supper by en:Leonardo da Vinci. As explained by Leigh Teabing to Sophie Neveu, the figure at the right hand of en:Jesus is supposedly not the apostle John, but en:Mary Magdalene, who was his wife and pregnant with his child. The absence of a chalice in the painting supposedly indicates that Da Vinci knew that Mary Magdalene was actually the en:Holy Grail (the bearer of Jesus' blood). This is reinforced by the letter "M" that is created with the bodily positions of Jesus, Mary, and the male apostle (en:Saint Peter) upon whom she is leaning. en:Saint Peter is also positioned with the blade of his hand next to Mary Magdalene's throat in a threatening gesture. This is supposedly because Peter is jealous of Jesus' greater love for en:Mary Magdalene than for his disciples. Mary Magdalene and Jesus also create a 'v' shape - the female symbol, for feminity, womanhood and fertility. They are also mirror images of each other - Jesus in red robe and blue cloak, Mary Magdalene in a blue robe and red cloak. I lel. Based on a scan by Mark Harden. Slovenščina: Zadnja večerja, delo L. da Vincija; uporabljeno kot tema v knjigi Da Vincijeva šifra: (Leigh Teabing je razložil Sophie Neveu, da lik desno od Jezusa ni apostol Janez, temveč Marija Magdalena, ki naj bi bila njegova žena in v nosečem stanju. Slika naj bi to podkrepila z latentno prisotno črko M, ki jo tvorita omenjena lika. Prostor med Magdaleno in Jezusom naj bi tudi tvoril obliko črke V - kar indicira na simbol ženskosti in plodnosti. Lika imata tudi inverzno preslikane barve oblačil. en:Category:Last supper by Leonardo da Vinci / レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ





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