世界のタグ名画 世界の名画にタグをつけて遊ぶ
アンソニー・ヴァン・ダイク ( 17世紀 バロック フランドル ) の作品

1642年製作 閲覧数:622

Théâtre du Palais-Cardinal in Paris during a performance, engraving known as Le Soir. The work being performed has been identified by Beijer as the ballet La prospérité des armes de France, which was first performed on 7 February 1641. The figures in the armchairs from left to right have traditionally been identified as Louis XIII, his queen (Anne of Austria), and the dauphin (the future Louis XIV, born 5 September 1638). Beijer has suggested that the young child in the arms of two ladies is the dauphin's younger brother Philippe (the future Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, who was born 21 September 1640). The engraver Van Lochom (who is not mentioned by Holsboer) based this scene on a grisaille by Jean de Saint-Igny, but modified the figure on the stool which in Saint-Igny's original is Cardinal Richelieu. The figure in Van Lochom's engraving, who is wearing court rather than clerical garb, is still identified in many sources as Cardinal Richelieu, however Powell has suggested that it depicts Gaston, Duke of Orléans (the younger brother of Louis XIII). / アンソニー・ヴァン・ダイク





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