"the flayer" -- detail of what is probably a depiction of the Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew.
unsigned, 'circle of "de Ribera"' (i.e.: very much in his style; elements of the drawing strongly resembles other depictions of this scene by the artist, without being (identified as) a direct copy of same; however no signature, & no expert-scholarship to support a formal attribution to the artist-proper)
Size : 16 cm. x 11.6 cm.
Appears to be cut down from a larger sheet of paper; given the size (approx the size of the cover of a pocket-paperback novel, but slightly wider), the paper was likely somewhat larger when the drawing was created, but it is unclear whether/what/if any significant parts of the drawing were lost; charcoal(?) drawing on laid paper; paper has aged/discoloured somewhat, some staining & wrinkles.
/ ミケランジェロ・メリージ・ダ・カラヴァッジオ